Municipal Technical Office

The technical office handles the management of private and public building.


It particularly deals with:

  • Building application checks and notifications
  • Building site inspections
  • Management of ordinary maintenance on municipal properties
  • Register management
  • Public works, management of relations with planners
  • Reception of users for information relating to the municipality’s technical department
  • Management of external services
Cerca nel sito

External services

The team of municipal workers, coordinated by the technical office, deals particularly with refuse collection, maintenance of highways, footways and green spaces, parks, municipal buildings, the harbour and the cemetery.


During the winter period it is also responsible for clearing snow.


The team is comprised as follows:



Rocco Perlasca

Maurizio Ferrari
Davide Huber

Stefano Guglielmetti

Cerca nel sito

Cadastral map

GIS Geographical Information System


What is a GIS? 

A GIS (Geographical Information System) is a system for managing, analysing and viewing geographical and spatial reference material. In a GIS, geographical information is associated with a set of data that describe local phenomena.


A GIS makes it possible to create geographical reconstructions (maps) to view the elements and their spatial relations on the terrestrial surface, using the associated information. Maps are the main tool for representing geographical information. They are generated by means of specific interfaces that make it possible to perform analyses and processes. The maps created with a GIS differ from static maps (prints) because they are interactive. An interactive map can be explored, enlarged and the information levels can be “switched on” and “switched off” at appropriate viewing scales or on the basis of specific requirements. Representative symbols can be used for any combination of the attributes associated with the objects. For example, land parcels can be identified according to type, while the size of the well symbol can be established on the basis of the flow rate, and so on. You can also click on any object on the map to obtain further information on it or carry out complex investigations and spatial analyses.


Why can it be consulted online?

The information contained in the system is subdivided into levels. Online access and consultation is restricted to certain aspects.


How can I use it?

You simply need a computer connected to the internet. You can’t modify any of the data, so don’t worry …


Municipal Technical Office

Riva da Sant Antoni 10
CH-6922 Morcote
Tel. +41 91 986 00 00

Opening hours

Mon 14.00 - 16.30
Tue 14.00 - 16.30
Wed Chiuso
Thu 14.00 - 16.30
Fri Chiuso

Fuori orario su appuntamento

Capo tecnico comunale

Linda Valenti


Tecnico comunale

Riccardo Navarra

Geometra revisore

Ing. geom. Fabio Forrer
c/o studio Bernasconi e Forrer
Via General Guisan 16
6932 Breganzona
+41 91 960 17 50

Torna su

Municipal chancery
Riva da Sant Antoni 10
CH-6922 Morcote
Tel. +41 91 986 00 00

Opening hours

Mon 14.00 - 17.00
Tue 08.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 18.00
Wed 14.00 - 17.00
Thu 14.00 - 17.00
Fri 14.00 - 16.00

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